Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a friend...
Ok, I have a few thankfully...but I am thinking of one inparticularly...
in which again I am more then greatful for.
But anyhoo..this friend posts quite often and asks...
What are you thankful for?
Geez... to pick just one... or two... or three...
or a million...
...and then some...
I love this picture above.... I remember Thanksgivings of past...
with lots and lots of family....
kids at "our" table and adults at "theirs"....
and now...
now I am just a wild woman *laughs*
yet so thankful for what I have that I could barely post well wishes
to my family and homemade family without crying my eyes out....
I am truely blessed.
I often wonder... Why me?
I have the BEST family and friends....
I have the best life...
a pretty kicking job (most days)....
a pretty kicking boss ( love ya Mimi)....
a bum knee - but I can still walk and DANCE...
I have clean 1000 thread count sheets...
a fully belly... heat to warm me... fans to cool my midnight hot flashes...
my kickin' Samhain (the best car ever)
friends w/vodka to chill me out... music to sooth me & keep me dancin'...
shoes on my feets... clothes on my back
(more then any one person really needs or deserves)
Like I said.... I have a million things to be thankful for...
I just take this moment to let the universe know...
You fucking rock!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ok, I admit it.
I signed up for the blogger thing for peace...
but I am far to lazy to figure out how to load the globe pic...
change it on photoshop with my name etc...
post here and play bloggy peaceness.
I spent the day in meetings, hospitals, and doc offices
and I am simply too exhausted to think.
ok, an excuse, but I am sticking to that!
What does PEACE mean to you?
How does it effect you and your daily life?
Do you think about it at all during you daily routine?
Do you wish for it in your life?
In the world?
For friends and family?
So tell me, what calms your heart?

*giggles* I love this picture!
I can flip people off with my talented toes...
...but I regress...
Told you I was tired and easily distracted!

Peace for me has many meanings.
I see it in the beauty of the colors of fall...
the quiet in the air as the leaves begin to turn brilliant.
Ahhhh and those peaceful snowy winters,
flowery springs.
and the beautiful warming sun of summer!
I find peace on days like today when the rain is falling
and I get to cuddle in front of a fire place.
I find peace in being with my friends and family.
I find peace in a delicious fresh baked chocolate chip cookie.

I find peace when I look at my favorite flower.
Sunflowers are definitely peaceful!
I find peace when my guy tells me he loves me before
we hang up the phone after every single conversation.
I find peace when playing with art.
wow... I could go on and on and on...
So again I ask you...
What does PEACE mean to you?