Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Gift ideas here. . .

WOW - need a great gift idea?
I am loving this place - run now - you have to check out the adorable things she has
I tried to place her button here as well...having technical difficulties...
*laughs* (like that is something new...)
or check out her blog...she has giveaways!
(you know how I love giveaways!!!)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Banana Pancakes

Ok - we didn't exactly make "pancakes" but we did make banana bread - and it was most delicious! Hope you are enjoying your rainy, relaxing Sunday just like we are! Now we are heading out for some lobsta' and a movie!

Life is so freaking sweet!
Have a happy evening!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fighting my demons...

This picture seems like my life story...*sighs* My addictive personality tends to rule my every thought!
Although I have tamed many of my demons - I still battle with them all on a daily basis...
These little guys seem to get me down at times - and I am working on that with meditation and retraining of my thoughts with "healthy" activities such as the gym, walking in the woods, riding my bike, cooking healthy meals . . . shopping *laughs*
This week they are making me crazy!!!
With only a few days before my trip to California and my Catalina cruise I am obsessing with my weight and getting really down on myself - and this MUST stop!
So I am writing about it here so I can seek all of your assitance with thought retraining!
What are your demons? How do you keep them quiet?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

...wouldn't it be loverly?!

lets sing and dance! ...this song has been in my head all day for some reason - so of course I needed to share!!!

Bored on a Sunday

Hey there friends!
Ryan is away in Ohio, Shane is at work - so I am somewhat bored with no one to play with ... I should really be cleaning - but you know how that goes!! I decided to make corned beef and cabbage with a horseradish cream sauce - it smells freaking fabulous! Not very diety but what the heck! I will just wear a towel on the beach when I am cruising the Catalina Islands in 2 weeks with mom!
I finally started back at the gym today after the "coughing rib incident". Lungs have turned to mush it seems - spinning totally kicked my ass! But I am determined to lose the 8 pounds I gained while sick before I get to California on April 3rd (Mom's birthday!) It's amazing how lazy one gets when one is coughing up a lung for 2 weeks!
Oh - you must go check out Dandelion Wishes (see button to the right--->) Mamarazzi has another kickin' giveaway! The etsy page Live.Love.Bead - has some beautiful stuff! Mamarazzi sends you there as well!
Ok - have to run tot he store - and I pumped up my bike tires - no excuse not to ride it now...
**Springtime huggies**

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Miss you all!

Hey folks!
Sorry I have been somewhat removed - was on short vacation over the weekend in my old home town of Oaklyn, New Jersey (with sista's dial-up internet UGH!!!) - went to a really old friends wedding ( she isn't really old - just the friendship is really old) and Shane and I had the most fantastic time (ok, I had the most fantastic time - Shane knew no one but me...) It was great to see old friends that I haven't seen in over 20 years! Then on Sunday a few old high school gals got together for Sunday afternoon sushi and GG dirty martinis (thank you Facebook!!!). Hadn't seen one of them since I graduated in '81 (dang I am f'ing oooold!) All were doing very well. They all said I am the same ol'Eva - not much has changed in all these years - still as crazy as ever! (I love hearing that - I am never - ever growing up - let the growing up be for the grown ups!)
Other then that just busy, busy, busy with work and tonight I have Christopher's class so I better get moving - it's quite the drive to New Hampshire!
Love, hug and kisses to all and Happy (day after) St. Patty's Day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Blogger Challenged...

Ok, because I am wicked challenged when it comes to cutting and pasting and copying and all the bloggy goodness - go here and check out Mamarazzi's Favorite Thing Swap
at the bottom are the list of names of everyone who swapped
some seriously cool things!

Thank you Kirby!

It's here! It's here! *giggle w/happy dance*
My Mamarazzi's Favorite Things Swap package from
Kirby @ Good Gals Inc. came today!
mmmm...yummy Sprinkles cupcake mix and spatula from one of my favorite places -
Williams Sonoma - how weird is that?!
...candles, bubble bath and more...
The candles are perfect - I am on Weight Watchers -
I will make the cupcakes for my sweetheart and burn the candles for myself! ;)

Close up of my beautiful new monogram note pad and pen...
these will find a new home on my desk at work!
We can't forget the super cool twist and pout lip gloss - I love paisley things!

BUBBLE BATH with some fantastic philosophy...
(which will come in handy this weekend when my guy and I are at my sisters - she has a kick butt jacuzzi tub ... the bubble bath - not the philosophy!)
I love everything! Thank you Kirby!
Hope you enjoy your package as much as I enjoyed putting it together!
Check out Kirby's blog here:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Enjoy! you have no excuse not to

shake your groove thing...shake your groove thing yeah yeah!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I feel fizzy & funny & fine!

Grab your tiara, some tulle - or your boa like me and dance with me on this beautiful almost spring day! Don't let those clouds hugging the sun bring you down...just dance!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Little Birthday Boy...

Yes folks, he is telling me to get the camera the f'out of his face. He was so happy when I had them announce his birthday at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York!

...and the party begins...
Sexy mama!
*laughs* now he know how hard it is to "lounge/breath" in a steel boned corset.

Introducing Roxi Codone!
He made the fantastic collar all by himself -
ok, he had help from his friend Ms Merlot - I found the glass by the sewing machine the next morning!

My first sewing student in his finish skirt project...
*wipes a proud tear from her eye* - my baby is growing up...
Don't you hate a boy with better lips then you?
*laughs* Can you believe he had a wardrobe change - the f'ing guy thinks he's Cher!

New York New York!

Couldn't take pictures at the show - but Wicked was truely WICKED amazing!
If you ever get a chance to go check it out - jump on it!
I have seen it in CT and NY now and I can't wait to see it again!
*sings* New York - New York! I love the city!
This is the moment of germ sharing contact -
Yes folks - I am sure this is where Rosa shared her lovely cold with me -
In fact, I swear if I look closely at the picture I can see the little purple and green germies jumping all over me!!!
* note to self - a pint of Guiness does not ward off the bad germies!
*smoochies for all*

Wicked Winter Faire

What a fantastic weekend we had in North Jersey. Here are a couple of pictures...
Our handsome crew...
*laughs* notice the patron, Grey Goose and Tequila Rose bottle in the background...
Zydrate shot anyone?
(You have to watch the cult flick Repo the Genetic Opera to understand)

LOL - my finest hour...
obviously after the Patron, Grey Goose and Tequila Rose....