Monday, December 20, 2010

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
I have been a very well behaved chickie this year. I am unable to post pictures for my fabulous bloggy friends due to my lack of a camera. This makes a very well behaved Diva very sad. I would totally dig it if you were able to slip a camera under the tree this year! Oh wait, I don't have a Yulemas tree this year... So I suppose you can just toss it on the front step... place it under my pillow... chuck it through the window... whatever you need to do - I am game! I promise to be a good girl in 2011! Whatever you can do for this Diva would totally rock! I promise to share it with Sheldon!
I love you Santa!
Divaeva and Sheldon

Monday, December 6, 2010

Win an ipod Shuffle and meet a very good friend...

Run here - clickity now!
Mandy, a very good friend, work mate/slave...
She helps with many many of my outside work events...
for which I do adore her...
and she is so damn adorable I could scream!
So whatcha waitin'for?
Go meet her and possibly win a ipod shuffle!
Good Luck!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have a friend...
Ok, I have a few thankfully...but I am thinking of one inparticularly...
in which again I am more then greatful for.
But anyhoo..this friend posts quite often and asks...
What are you thankful for?
Geez... to pick just one... or two... or three...
or a million...
...and then some...
I love this picture above.... I remember Thanksgivings of past...
with lots and lots of family....
kids at "our" table and adults at "theirs"....
and now...
now I am just a wild woman *laughs*
yet so thankful for what I have that I could barely post well wishes
to my family and homemade family without crying my eyes out....
I am truely blessed.
I often wonder... Why me?
I have the BEST family and friends....
I have the best life...
a pretty kicking job (most days)....
a pretty kicking boss ( love ya Mimi)....
a bum knee - but I can still walk and DANCE...
I have clean 1000 thread count sheets...
a fully belly... heat to warm me... fans to cool my midnight hot flashes...
my kickin' Samhain (the best car ever)
friends w/vodka to chill me out... music to sooth me & keep me dancin'...
shoes on my feets... clothes on my back
(more then any one person really needs or deserves)
Like I said.... I have a million things to be thankful for...
I just take this moment to let the universe know...
You fucking rock!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ok, I admit it.
I signed up for the blogger thing for peace...
but I am far to lazy to figure out how to load the globe pic...
change it on photoshop with my name etc...
post here and play bloggy peaceness.
I spent the day in meetings, hospitals, and doc offices
and I am simply too exhausted to think.
ok, an excuse, but I am sticking to that!
What does PEACE mean to you?
How does it effect you and your daily life?
Do you think about it at all during you daily routine?
Do you wish for it in your life?
In the world?
For friends and family?
So tell me, what calms your heart?

*giggles* I love this picture!
I can flip people off with my talented toes...
...but I regress...
Told you I was tired and easily distracted!

Peace for me has many meanings.
I see it in the beauty of the colors of fall...
the quiet in the air as the leaves begin to turn brilliant.
Ahhhh and those peaceful snowy winters,
flowery springs.
and the beautiful warming sun of summer!
I find peace on days like today when the rain is falling
and I get to cuddle in front of a fire place.
I find peace in being with my friends and family.
I find peace in a delicious fresh baked chocolate chip cookie.

I find peace when I look at my favorite flower.
Sunflowers are definitely peaceful!
I find peace when my guy tells me he loves me before
we hang up the phone after every single conversation.
I find peace when playing with art.
wow... I could go on and on and on...
So again I ask you...
What does PEACE mean to you?

Friday, October 29, 2010


Oh Yeah baby!
My October Farm loot is here!
Check it out...
Soooo many goodies!
Popcorn, Pumpkin Poop (*heart* it),
Corn kernals, Cinamon Honey
(I am so having tea later with some of this)
A mask - perfect since I am not really going all out this year...
Attending a ToW ritual instead and just hanging in Salem on Sunday.
Ghostly Dots (going to watch scary flicks tonight and enjoy these)
Cider mix, dip mixes, a pumpkin pen and delcious
goodies that I so loved once apon a time...
Mary Janes and creme filled carmels! *yum!*
and so much more... Yay me! :)
Such a delight to come home from work and find this waiting for me!
Now - you readers have got to go check her most fantastic blog out
Reading her recipes will certainly make you drool!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tea anyone?

I came home from work today and Ryan made me some tea.
I supose we won't be worrying about those bothersome neighbors any longer...
*evil cackle*

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My little pumpkin!

As we near closer to Samhain...
Sheldon gets a little more underfoot..
He know's that it's almost his birthday time!
My little helper picked out these fabulous pumpkins.
I just adore the way they stack!
I am heading back to the farm market where I got them and getting a couple more sets. They will look great on the front porch - these I need to stay close and in my view!
ooo...and we can't forget Ryan's freshly made apple butter.
We made a extra to take to friends...
mmmm...and I had this sangria the other day with
vodka infused dried cranberries.
Now I have my own little jar of re-plumped goodness.
I am definitely going to have to get a bigger jar!
Off to gather acorns and leaves...
My art journal needs some fall color!

Have a happy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Coolness at it's best

Here you go folks!
You have gotta go check MrsB fabulousness out!
Every day in October thiere is something different to learn...
a new cool blog to visit...
the most awesome art and coolness to win!
Like today for instance...
You could win the cutest little goblin print!
so whatcha waitin'for?
Have fun!

Monday, October 11, 2010

I WIN & a day off - Finally!

Kewl beans! Sheldon and I won a book!
The Weiser Field Guide to Ghosts
Great for bedtime reading for my little skellie!
If you haven't checked things out over at
MrsB's 31 Days of Halloween...
you are missing out on lots
of good reading & prizes!
I will definitely post the link here tomorrow...
especially for you Amanda!
I have off tomorrow - HOORAY!
My first day in 12 days!
I am so excited to do nothing!
ok, not nothing... laundry, cleaning, shopping!
Which basically means shopping.
I hate cleaning and I won't feel like doing laundry
on my day off - so I will have to
shop for something to wear to work on Wednesday!
Yes my friends, this is the life of a Diva!
Thanks MrsB and Weiser Books!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I love that no matter how adorably cute our costumes were.......there was always a bit of macabre.
Check out these freakish red masks...
I totally love them and this picture
of my little sister Anna and I!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Frustrated and Blog Challenged...

Sorry folks - Haven't been on here in a looong time.
I am truely upset with my blog...
It's broken *laughs*
I have tried everything to change the background
and nothing happens!
To say the least.
I am truely bloggy challenged.
I have mentioned this before...
But now I am truley defeted!
Not enough time in the day to play with it any longer!
I need help!
Any volunteers?
Enough of my whining....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Durian Fruit

Octoberfarm has daily fantasticness on it...
but you must check it out today...
I have heard of the infamous odor of the durian fruit.
Here you can practically taste it right along with this very brave team!
I loved it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Meet my friend...

I simply adore these little creations!

I have quite a few of here wonderful little Goddess'

as well as a skull and owl and I LOVE

each one!

I do not however havea Goddess keychain...

So venture on over and check Nydia out...

I promise you will not be sorry!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wondering... although I also like wandering...

if you force your darling partner to make zuchini bread with you
(I really just need his 2 working knees...)
does that count as a date if your grab his butt a few times?
If yes, I may have a date tonight! to come...
This is gonna be fun...
..I hope!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Crutches Suck!

Hey there bloggy peeps!
I have discovered
I am not fond of being out of comission!
Went in for surgery Monday on what we thought was a
simple meniscus tear...
*loud annoying buzzer noise*
Ended up being much more serious...
severe cartlidge loss.
Dr. Dua then proceeded to drill small holes into my
femur, tibia or patella....
(I think...I was half a sleep when he explained)
The blood filling the bone will create more cartlidge to form...
(or so I am told)
Needless to say, I am off it for 4 weeks.
It's killing me!
Do you have any idea how hard it is to carry a martini glass with crutches?
(LOL - kidding Mommie Dearest!)
It has given me time to play with my art...
but even that is getting boring....I wanna go out!
Pictures to come once Mommie Dearest sends me her camera.
(Mine broke and I want to save up for the Canon Sure Shot)
A little paniced about my cruise atthe end of the month...
Was hoping to be recovered by the time the ship left New York.
Looks like I will contiue to be gimpy and pampered on the cruise...
oh darn! *laughs*
Not my ideal way to end the summer....
What about you...
What fantasticness are you doing to close out the Summer of 2010?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

18th Anniverary...

I have finally taken my mother's lead with this...
not with the BK Crown - that is totally MY obsession...
in which I seriously recommend y'all try...

Tomorrow I celebrate...

my 18th Anniversary

of my 29th birthday...

Yay me!

*laughs* Actually, if it weren't for the

torn meniscus and achy joints,

hourly power surges and flashes,

numerous greys that glisten in the t-top of my car in the sun,

(Which I have finally gave up on plucking out otherwise I would be balding too)

several thousand ointments and creams I use

on a daily basis...

I don't feel a day over 29!


oh fuck it... I love life and everything about it!

I love my wrinkles, my greys, my ointments...

I love who I have grown to become and I look forward to

growing up one day!
(oh, who the hell am I kidding...I am NEVER growing up!)
This weekend I head out camping with the most fabulous people in the world.
Loving, caring, artistic, creative, crazy, clever,
wonderful, wild, inspiring, talented...
oh my goodness I could go on and on...
What's not to love about life?
Now go get yourself a BK crown
and enjoy your day!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Twinkling H2Os

They're here! They're here!
I was like a kid in a candy store with the beautiful candy coated colors...
Which to play with first...
I must try them all...

I tried to get a picture of how glittery and fabulous they are...

so here are a few shots of the beginning of one of many started art journals...

I am indeed in love!
Have you played with art today?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Diva's Lobster Fest

$42.00 worth of deliciousness right here...
Can you believe it? *laughs*
me either... but it was true!
$4.99 a pound at Stew Leonards on
4th of July weekend...
I was one happy diva!
So we rented some movies...
clean off the coffee table...
put down some paper...
and feasted out tushies off!
I think Daddy enjoyed himself a little too much!

Daddy had to help Sheldon with is lobster...

I believe Sheldon likes lobster...
we are going to have to do this again...
VERY soon!

How has your summer been treating you?
What have you been feasting on?
Garden delights? Ocean delights?
Fruity delights?
I *heart* summer!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Win some BellaLili loveliness...

You know me and my giveaways....
but you can NOT miss this one...
BellaLili's peices are pretty slamming...
So, clicky on over here...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Give away!

I sooo soo SOOOOO
Want this book...

Run! Jog! Clickity!

Do not meander - go!

Laughs....if you win it...keep in mind my birthday is Augst 2nd!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

You've got mail!

Indeed we did!
Sheldon was soooo super excited...
Poor little guy could hardly wait until I got home from work
I LOVE winning things from blogs....
First we have Sheldon's new play mate
Bloom Bloom
They were instant friends!
Thank you Very Mary!
Check her out here

and then we have...
*drum rolllllllll*
Mamarazzi's Red, White and Blue Swap package from Julie at excited little guy!

All sorts of goodies... individually wrapped goodies at that!
Each had a cute little red white and blue description...

Very, very fun!

Here is my little model with all my fantastic loot!

...and now I have the most beautiful red toe nails...

I would share....but I have been at the farmers market and playing in the dirt all we shall save that for another time!

Thank you so much Julie!

...and thank you Mama!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sweet... I'm In!

Red White and Blue Swap
I love, love, LOVE Mamarazzi's Swaps!
Who doesn't love giving and receiving cool stuff in the mail!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Energizin'Forest Folk Family Weekend

We are all mad here.....
oh my....
There is no way to explain the wonderous weekend I had!
The people, the place, the moments...
Just fill my heart...
one can never get too much of a good thing, right?
This is Lenny.
Lenny is so lovable!

This is Adam.
He is hot, hot, hot!
I love what looks like vibration coming from his fingertips!
Thanks to Nici - I stole these beautiful pictures from her...

She has an amazing eye!
This is Chris.
A man with so many talents!
This is the Diva compound.
Sleeping tent, shower, kitchen, bar....
yes, camping can be cushy!
Sheldon being silly in his new Sheldon carriage.
I totally love this purchase this year!
One of the fabulous art workshops.
Nici and Joyce rocked out this year!
Beads, rain sticks, dream boards, art journals...
and so much more!
Some afternoon music...

Lenny of many colors!
Sorry this is all I had time to post. I had to "borrow" the pictures as it is...
I can't even begin to explain what a wonderful time I had with my Forest Folk Family. The community we have created with these people is amazing! The energy I get when I am around these people is amazing! I can only hope they get the same from me! I crave every moment I spend in the woods!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Picnic in the park

What is one to do on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon?
with my handsome baby....
...and my handsome boys....
(not sons...for the record...just boyfriends)

Can't forget some yummy munchies....
Fresh French bread & brie.
Delicious shrimps!
Hummus and cukes.
Soprasatta, pepperoni and smoked gouda.
Peanut butter cookies, my babies favorite!
...and of course...
2 pitchers of delicious fresh blueberry, strawberry and grape
and my favorite shoes!
Can life get any better?