Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Grimvisions Ghastly Giveaway!

This guy does some amazing art -
so does his friends joining him in his giveaway!
(so does? or so do? both sound funny!?! whatever - never claimed to be an Emglish genious!)
Run on over and check him out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sheldon's First Playdate

Baby secrets...
This is Sheldon's new best friend Declan...
Declan even had a t-shirt gift for him...

See...I will hold a baby...
Declan is probably thinking -
"Oh no! the crazy lady with the skelton baby has me!"

Went to New Jersey for a funeral of an old family friend.
Sam Saldutti was the father of the three girls across the street from where we grew up.
We were all very close in age, went to the same church,
parents bowled, played cards and hung in the church beer garden together.
We use to go on trips to amusement parks and Mr Saldutti
would sit all us girls in the very back of his station wagon for the 2 hour trip to Dorney Park.
My sisters and I still hate station wagons to this day! *laughs*
It was a somber day - all the older gentlemen who were very good friends with my father & Sam kept telling me old golfing, hunting and fishing stories about how they loved my dad and how much they miss him. How he would get them to do things they would have never done - now I know where I get that trait! Made me miss my daddy!

Rest in peace Mr. Saldutti!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I hate my thighs!

*laughs* that's right - I freaking hate them to death!
I suppose many women actually do...
I was driving to work today thinking -
Damn, if I could just cut them off...
or even just slice off the saddle bags...something! Anything!
I want them gone!
Then all of a sudden this guy in a wheel chair with no legs
came rocking around the corner
at 30 miles per hour...
up hill...
wheeling himself like there was no tomorrow
& singing to whatever he was listening with his headphones...
He looked so happy in the crisp fall air.
He looked content.
I was ashamed of my thoughts...
Which so often I am.
I now love my legs!
Thank you Goddess for making rethink
those thoughts this morning!
She certainly works in mysterious ways!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's officially Fall - Merry Mabon!

I spent the very last day of my busy, busy summer

with my beautiful sisters

& Ryan (but he counts as a sister!)


How freakin'cool is that?!

How perfect of a day do you think it was for someone who totally

adores, cherishes, worships...(I just love 'em - get it?!) Sunflowers!
I was surrounded - literally - it was paradise!
It was Summerland!
It was Avalon!
It was Heaven!
~ It was Effin' Awesome! ~

I am pretty sure I told every single one that I loved it
& it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen!
...seriously - every one!

I took over 200 pictures - I ran out of room on my video card!
If they sold more cards in the middle of the maze for $60+ I would have paid!

I would post every single picture - I think I only deleted 5 or 6
because they may have been somewhat blurry.
(ok, one was of the lens cap
Marybeth asked where the frying pan came from in the maze...LOL - lens cap!,
another of my foot and another of the dirt)
I was a picture takin'fool!

This crazy old lady was on of my favs!
She was one of the biggest and the mostest beautiful!

(Just like me!)
The self control I had to endure on this day was amazing!

I wish I wore loser clothing, or pants with pockets...
Or didn't leave my back pack in the freakin'trunk!
I so could have smuggled out a few!



= Perfect.

So how was your last day of summer?

How was your Mabon?

I won a beautiful Godess from Nydia! Check out handsome Lucas picking me! *hugs Lucas*

Work was a little annoying - weigh in went bad w/Jenny (+ 2 pounds)

but I just remembered my beautiful sunny flowers, poured myself a cocktail &


Just like me! ;)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I have been a baaad girl...

I have been so bad with updating my blog...
...sorry about that!
I promise as soon as I get back from the
Forest Folk Harvest
I will be better!
Been running, running, running
since we got back from Cancun!
Feels like I live out of my car!
But on a good note...
I baked some slamming banana cupcakes
with honey frosting,
Pumpkin pesto pasta,
Pumpkin/Squash soup
(ok, Ry actually made the soup - but I am carving the pumpkin to serve it in!)
planning some bubblegum vodka beverages,
red headed sluts and more...
Plus more the "no mead limit" rule at the farm!
I need some rest & relaxation this weekend
& I am going to get it baby!!!
And before I leave -
Go check out Nydia's giveaway...
Her little goddess creation is adorable!
See you all on Sunday!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lucky 13 Giveaway!

Beautiful Diane has another crazy giveaway -
A lucky 13 giveaway!
win yourself a haunted portrait - perfect for the holiday season!
I highly suggest you run now and check her out!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

WHat can I say - I'm addicted!

*she yells with pure joy and excitement*
Definitely run over and check out this blog giveaway!
yes, I know - I am seriously addicted!
It's due to my highly addictive personality I suppose!
But how cool is that Halloweenie stuff you can win?

You know how I love my free chances to win!

Run here & check her out...
You could win a great Autumn/Samhain package...
...& who in their right mind wouldn't want to win that?!?

I am loving the crisp chill in the air!
I am loving all the fall decorations starting to pop up everywhere!
I am looking forward to baking, playing in leaves, picking pumpkins!
What about you?

Friday, September 4, 2009


Happy Birthday to my special guy!
I love that you love me for who I am...
never wanting to change me...
ALL of me...
flaws and all!
I love you for loving our little skeleton baby without reservations.
(ok, most of the time *laughs*) are simply all that and a bag of chips!
Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another fun craft thingy....

I am playing along in a Craft Giveaway with my friend, Walk in the Woods and I invite you to join us.

The first 5 people to respond to this post will get something made by me, especially for you.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
•I make no guarantees that you will like what I make but I hope you will.
•What I create will be just for you.
•They say I have a year to get it to you. But I promise it will NOT take that long!
•You have no clue what it's going to be. It’s a surprise to both of us at this point.

The catch? You must re-post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog.