Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New York New York!

Couldn't take pictures at the show - but Wicked was truely WICKED amazing!
If you ever get a chance to go check it out - jump on it!
I have seen it in CT and NY now and I can't wait to see it again!
*sings* New York - New York! I love the city!
This is the moment of germ sharing contact -
Yes folks - I am sure this is where Rosa shared her lovely cold with me -
In fact, I swear if I look closely at the picture I can see the little purple and green germies jumping all over me!!!
* note to self - a pint of Guiness does not ward off the bad germies!
*smoochies for all*

1 comment:

Laura Rose said...

I loved Wicked, too. Saw it here in CT!!