Saturday, October 24, 2009

Check out OctoberFarm!

You need to click your tushie right over the Jaz's blog....
She is have the most kickin' giveaway!
For some reason I can't get the button to work on my side bar..
Yes, I am blog buttoned challenged, I fully admit this!
so here - click below...this one is not to be missed!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Meet the sisters...

Boobs - Breasts - Tits - Honkers - Melons
Knockers - Tatas
Head Lights - Fun bags
(LOL - last 2 were from my sweetie - Goddess bless him!)
Ryan refers to them as my over grown mammary glands...
I refer to them as the sisters...
Whatever you wanna call them -
These babies right here....
*laughs* and possibly the cut of the dress...
got me out of a kicking ticket today - maybe even several!
I apparently did not come to a "full" stop at a light
when rushing home to grab something for an event I was doing...
I had no license on me...
no valid insurance card
I do have insurance, but apparently all I had to give the officer
were cards from 2007 & 2008!
a neon green registration sticker that sticks out and says 14/09
...although my good sticker and registration were in my visor...
I have yet to get around to scrapping the old sticker off and put the new sticker on....
I got off with a warning!
LOL..and the cop said he called Geiko while in the car...
they will be sending me a new - up to date insurance card
I just wish he had one of those razor blade scraper thingies to put my new sticker on
- but that may have been pushing it!
*laughs* these are my "real' sisters - with the sisters!
Anyways...they rock!
The point of all this is....
It's Breast Health and Wellness month!
(Rose & I have renamed it from Breast Cancer Awareness - which sounds so negative..)
Have you had a good feel?
Check 'em out...for the good of all things sacred!
I believe mine are sacred- yours must be too!
Scars, lumps & all - they saved my a$$ today!
Save the Tatas!

Monday, October 19, 2009

October Goodies...

October Blessings everyone!
Here are some of our October kitchen concoctions...
Thanks Rosmari - we are fermenting fools now!
We have our sour dough bread starter in the back...
under the skellie towl is our sauerkraut...
our ginger beer bug...
(I am keeping my eyes on that...)
the kimchi we started tonight...
(I think something is trying to escape from it...)
the kimchi we started last week...
(With a side of scorpion & a friend checking it out)
and some fire cider on top of sun dried tomatoes!
Oh, and a travel bottle of delicious red blood!
Then Ryan made this cool smudging feather.
This feather we found on one of our many walks
is adorened by beautiful amber and jet glass beads
with silver wire accents...
...and guess what?
This is going to be my very first giveaway!
All you have to do is leave me a message telling me what
your most favortite October activity is!
All my followers will also have an
extra entry tossed into the cauldron!
Winner will be picked from the pot on October 31st!
Good Luck!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Welcome to my party!

Merry Meet to all my new friends from A Fanciful Twist!
Welcome to a Daily Dose of Diva.
A daily dose of my every day doings of a Diva - that's me,
The Queen - my very best bud & roomate,
and Grandpa - My fiancee who acts far older then he is...
oh, and we mustn't forget my very well traveled skeleton baby,
(Sheldon's escapades are often a main focus here on a Daily Dose)
It has been a rainy, dreary day today -
I wanted to go out and take some pictures...
decorate a little more...
(other then my normal every day oddities)
But all I got done was a few mimosa's at my favorite restaurant...
You can see the kind of day it is here in CT below...
Sometimes we bake...
Sometimes we cook...
(Ok, the Queen does most of the cooking...)
But I made this yummy pumpkin bread
You can get the recipe from MrsB...

It was a whole loaf -
but my boys devoured it before I got my proud moment picture!
I guess that means it was yummy!
and yesterday...
After my day in the park...
I took a walk out back and this is what I found
Pretty cool, right?
Here are a few pictures ...
I will be adding more as we get closer to our big Halloweenie Bash
here at la Casa Diva...
*laughs* yes - this is basically "before" decorations!
Just a few odds and ends added...

So please stop back and see us again!

You do NOT want to miss Sheldon's Halloween costume!

Until then...

Blessed Be!

oooo...I almost forgot...since I am really crappy when it comes to adding buttons and things...Here is the link to Venessa's fantastic party that you definitely do NOT want to miss!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October in the park...

*laughs* ok, blogging boo boo..
This is the dragon I speak of later in the post - I failed to load the picture...
and didn't notice until after I posted...too lazy to redo it and no idea how to place pictures in between others...
Now on with the story....

Today I volunteered my time...

(...which I have a habit of doing all too often...just ask Ryan)

To the American Heart Association Healthy Start Walk

In the beautiful Bushnell Park in Hartford Connecticut

ahhh...look at how beautiful the park is in October...

the colors were out of this world!

A calm, cool October morning...

and then came the masses...

Hundreds of them...

All with little ones with face painting and bouncy house needs!

Usually this would be my idea purgatory...
But it was a pretty decent Saturday...

even when all the older kids jumped into the dragon when the parents walked away

and it started to roll accross the field!

Sorry, I didn't have a chance to get pictures...I was busy tethering down

(or I am saying taming) a dragon! who can say they did that on a Saturday morning?

You may now call me

Divaeva - Dragon Tamer!

This was my fantastic helper Danielle!

Thank you Danielle!

Had to have a picture of the fountain in the center of the park...

(The picture really doesn't do it justice - it is much more majestic in person!)

Told you...majestic, right?

More of the beutiful colors...
(and the bouncy thingy that didn't try to take off with children!)
This my friends is the capitol building in Hartford, CT
I would have to say it is my most favorite building in Hartford.
There are so many other beautiful structures that I couldn't get picture of...
they made me stay and play with the children *laughs* definitely...another time!

This is how the day played out - when I was leaving the clouds stared to roll in...
it got dark and dreary...
(so I headed to the mall for some retail theraphy - nothing like some flourescent lighting to lift ones mood)

Just a few more cool pictures of the building I got to hang out with today!

Pretty cool, right?

When I grow up I want this to be my castle...

I mean I did tame the Bushnell Park Dragon for them after all!

I hope your Saturday was fun filled

& full of majestic splendor as well!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just another lovely October evening!

After going to see Couples Retreat
...which is a pretty hilarious movie...
My sweetie and I decided to try a new restaurant...
...ok, new to us anyways...
The Mill on the River in South Windsor Connecticut
How's this for a view?
It was so beautiful~
I had the most awesome steak I have ever had in my 46 years
as a carnivore, meat loving maniac!
It was called the French Filet...
melted goat and blue cheese...
...melt in your mouth goodness!
(sorry - I was so busy stuffing my face I forgot to take a picture!)
Here is my most handsome date...
Sorry ladies - he's all mine!

Another cool view of the gazeebo...I like the reflection in the river...
How's this for a salad with your dinner?!
Ok, maybe just my idea of the "ideal" salad!
Aren't the colors af fall simply breath taking?

So date night was a success!
We found a new place for delicious blue point oysters,
we enjoyed the lovely fall colors,
he suprised me with a "chick flick" and he actually loved it,
It was indeed a good hump day evening!
Now to cuddle up on the couch and watch Nip Tuck and Eastwick!
Isn't life just so effin'sweet?!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Well shiver me timbers matey!

Arrrr ye land lubbers!!
Let us indeed celebrate one of the most famous pirates to date...
I searched everywhere for a picture of him with is eye patch and peg leg...
but to no avail this is all I could find...
the picture that we all remember from elementary school.
Why is this the only story I can find that somewhat explains
the fraud Christopher Columbus truely was?
*laughs* he sure had a kicking PR person!

CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS discovered America in 1492. At least that is what all elementary school children were always taught: "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Of course, Columbus never did "discover" North America, and the regions he did explore were already inhabited. He only discovered them from the viewpoint of the Europeans. Yet his first voyage did prove one thing for sure, that the earth was not only round, but that it was bigger than he had thought, Eratosthenes notwithstanding.

One of the first known celebrations marking the discovery of the "New World" by Christopher Columbus was in 1792, when a ceremony organized by the Colombian Order was held in New York City honoring Christopher Columbus and the 300th anniversary of his landing in the Bahamas. Then, on October 12, 1866 the Italian population of New York organized the first celebration of the discovery of America. Three years later, in 1869 Italians in San Francisco celebrated October 12 calling it C-Day.

To mark the 400th anniversary of Columbus' voyage, in 1892, President Benjamin Harrison made a commemorative proclamation. But it was Colorado, in 1905, that became the first state to observe a Columbus Day. Since 1920 the day has been celebrated annually, and in 1937 President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed every October 12 as Columbus Day. That's where it remained until 1971 when Congress declared it a federal public holiday on the second Monday in October.
*laughs* but why are the banks closed?

and most improtant...

Where's the rum?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Light and Shadow rule the world!

Run and check out MarZel's cool blog world...
I gaurentee you will not be sorry!
She is the creator of the most fabulous Skellie Bunny Sheldon won!
We love Marzel! what are you waiting for...go!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

She has arrived with a friend...

Check her out people...
I bet you are super jealous!
Well there is no need to be...
Although I won mine from the lovely Nydia...
(and my beautiful Goddess came with a little owl buddy that I totally love!)
You can purchase one of her fabulous little creations here:
There are so many adorable things.
(I am loving the Mexican Skull Keyring!)
You must stop over and visit her blog as well...
Thank you so much Nydia
I love my new friends!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My crafting little boy!

Sheldon and I spent the day together today being crafty...
Isn't he adorable...
He wanted to do it all by himself!
... my baby is growing up!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

felt the need to share... *giggle*

Thought I would share my messy desk - it made me giggle...
we have our essential oils...
pumpkin body butter...
Seasonal Hershey Kisses...
(Pumpkin spice and candy corn FTW)
Oops wine cork... and your assorted body parts!
LOL - I am crazy about the tongue!
It is so realistic!
... and check out my most cool skellie straw!
He jiggles & dances!
I (heart) him!
What does your desk look like this time of year?
Do you have assorted body parts to share?
Have I mentioned I totally love October?


Don't you just loooove - I mean TOTALLY love...
EVERYTHING about October?
I know I do!
There are so many super cool things going on with
other seriously cool blogs!
You do NOT want to miss out on MrsB's party!
Go and check it out...
cool reading, cool peeps, cool prizes!
What could be better..I mean really?
(other then Hershey's Candy Corn flavored kisses?! Ok, MrsB is even cooler then those!!!)