Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy All Hallow's Eve!

Boogity boogity! - It's All Hollow's Eve and I am looking for a friends home to toilet paper! I was totally going to toilet paper Ry's room while he was in Mass - but he came home and ruined the evil plan! So now we are just going to finish off this bottle of wine and watch a little Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tomorrow we have tons of things planned - pumpkin carving, carmel apple making, bottling our very first batch of meade (Ok - officially Ry's meade - but I stupervised!) final touches to Saturday's costume party costumes....and we plan to light a fire and be nice to the visiting children (we bought candy and everything *evil grin*!) we are going to actually be social with our neighbors tomorrow. Big day planned...until tomorow *hugs*


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...


Welcome to the OTHER SIDE of blog madness!!!


Divaeva said...
