I have finally taken my mother's lead with this...
not with the BK Crown - that is totally MY obsession...
in which I seriously recommend y'all try...
Tomorrow I celebrate...
my 18th Anniversary
of my 29th birthday...
Yay me!
*laughs* Actually, if it weren't for the
torn meniscus and achy joints,
hourly power surges and flashes,
numerous greys that glisten in the t-top of my car in the sun,
(Which I have finally gave up on plucking out otherwise I would be balding too)
several thousand ointments and creams I use
on a daily basis...
I don't feel a day over 29!
oh fuck it... I love life and everything about it!
I love my wrinkles, my greys, my ointments...
I love who I have grown to become and I look forward to
growing up one day!
(oh, who the hell am I kidding...I am NEVER growing up!)
This weekend I head out camping with the most fabulous people in the world.
Loving, caring, artistic, creative, crazy, clever,
wonderful, wild, inspiring, talented...
oh my goodness I could go on and on...
What's not to love about life?
Now go get yourself a BK crown
and enjoy your day!