Saturday, January 31, 2009


Yesterday I spent far too much time being selfish - which lead me to be disappointed. My guy went out of town for 4 days for work - and I actually missed him! I say this because I thought I would never depend on anyone enough to "miss" them when they are gone. I keep myself busy with work - friends - life...I try not to get too attached. No idea where this came's weird - but then again I am faaaar from normal. But I found myself thinking about him alot when he was gone. Before I picked him up from the airport I had all sorts of ideas going through my head - you know - romance type things - candles, time alone watching the latest netflick, cuddling on the couch - all the mushy romantic things.... Instead he walked in the door and fell alseep on the couch within 5 minutes! Not even enough time to light a damn candle or put the movie in! So I was disappointed - to say the least. After thinking about it...I realized how selfish and silly I was feeling... he was tired and in a Dramine induced state and truely tired. To top it off he made up for it today - he went shopping with me - he seriously hates shopping! He also went to 3 different Bicycle shops while I searched for the perfect pair of spinning shoes (which I have yet to $#@& find!?!). He didn't complain once! He actually wanted to spend time with me!
He is awesome! He is truely amazing!
Watch and enjoy - dance and be happy - life is far too short to be "disappointed" over stupid shit! Hug your significant other and tell them they are AMAZING! *hugs*

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Photographers must have loved me...
This is how I felt about weight training today - I really need to get my ass in gear! I make it to spinning 4-5 days a week (sometimes even 6!? Believe - I am no gym bunny!) - but I just can't seem to get my ass in gear and focus on strength training - I know it's important -
I just "don't feel like it"! It's always "tomorrow definitely" or "absolutely next week" or this week it's "I promise for February"! it February yet?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Baby with attitude

Nope - not smiling today - not until I have my apple juice stirred, not shaken....
Guess who?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It was a good day!

Today was a day of learning. A day of relaxing, destressing and pampering - today was all about me! (...yes, even more so then my usual day ;p) We took a ride to Winstead, CT to attend a pampering workshop with a beautiful goddess. I love the ride to Winstead - lots of beautiful old homes to drool over...lots of old shops and new shops...lots of trees and snow...just a nice relaxing drive. It seems every time I go to Winstead - I come home relaxed and inspired - today was no different!
I had a fabulous morning sipping tea with some new friends, as well as some old. I learned all sorts of ways to pamper and improve myself. I can't wait to go "sacred shopping" and pick up some of the supplies I will need and put to use what I have learned! *ahhhh* It was a wonderful day!
Sure, I would have loved to have my very own cabana boy massage my kinks, feed me grapes and cater to my every whim...but I gave him the afternoon off! So instead I melted into my smushie couch cuddling in my down comforter, enjoyed another cup of hot herbal tea and read the next few chapters of The Inner Temple.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

fellin' quite purple...

ok - I was feelin' somewhat blue (but that was so yesterday!...**g**) since my Eagles tanked - as usual! But I am feeling positive because Shaney's team is pushing thru strong - the Steelers may still bring happiness in this home *laughs* Whateva' ! 'tis why I try never to be a football fan - would rather not be upset over silly quarter back/corner back/safety/linebacker shit...truely shit when my life is so happy - my life anyhow! Hope yours is the same....
Here is todays page start - started one yesterday - but failed to take a picture before starting this one...stickiness prevents pictures - or that is what my excuse is....
Feeling purple and feeling good!
...what about you?...
What color are you feeling at this very moment?


Live. Life. Breathe. Relax.Made this for my mom. Pressed a leaf I collected, added some beautiful golden paint and a few handmade lavender beads.
Unfortunately she is battling hurthle cell cancer. Figures, it's one of the rarest cancers to detect and battle - us Firda's never do anything easy!
I am sure she would love all your healing engeries....
It made me think of her and life in CA - sadly no wonderful fall colors (paradise my ass mom!)
Hopefully it will remind her to breathe and relax!
I love you mom!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


A few unfinished sculpey figures that I started months back that I really want to finish today - figured if I post them here - it will make me get off the internet and actually complete something.
I went to the gym...made delicious french toast for my guy...going to jump in the shower...
and I will...
Play more with my arts and crafts and maybe finish this art journal page!
Wish me luck...

I'm a winner!

Came home yesterday from work - checked the mail and found these!
How cool and awesome are these?
I always considered myself a winner - because quite frankly - I have a rockin' life, with rockin' friends, a rockin' family *laughs* and now I am even more of a winner!!!!
Am I the luckiest Diva ever or what?!?
I have a journal to give to a friend as a thank you gift on Wednesday -
I can't wait to use one of my new tags!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Football and Art Journal on a lovely Sunday afternoon...

Started my Blue Man Group Art Journal Page - kinda been lazy when it comes to my art journal - sadly, opting for reading blogs, playing online and simply being a lazy slug! *pffft!*
Added the toilet paper that they filled the theater with - way too cool - You MUST check out a Blue Man show whenever possible! They are awesome!
Thank you Andrew - the lovely lad got mom, Kath and myself tickets last minute and the show rocked my world!

Go Steelers! *grin*

My Eagles rocked today!!!! now I am asking for everyone to root my Shaney's team on...
Pittsburg must Kick some Charger tushie!!!

Fly Eagles Fly!!!

Fly Eagles Fly, On The Road To Victory.

Fight Eagles Fight, Score A Touchdown 1-2-3.

Hit 'Em Low. Hit 'Em High.

And We'll Watch Our Eagles Fly.

Fly Eagles Fly, On The Road To Victory.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Meet Skittles

Sadly Tootsie Roll passed away last night.
He was a great fishie and he will be missed.
*moment of silence*
But you know me - I had to run right out and adopt another fishie...
Meet Skittles.
Our new addition to our lovely family.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A gazillion years ago....

How funny is this picture? My friend Susan, from way back in the day, posted this picture of us when we were 15 years old! What made me smile is she said I looked like I "had the same love for life" as I did back then. I would like to believe I do indeed!
I am in the middle - of course - always the center of my mind anyways!
Susan is to the left and Helena is to the right.
Sadly, Helena (so Susan tells me) died a few years ago.
Sucks when you get old and good friends start to pass...
I am going to live forever though - just so Ryan can push my sorry ass around in a pimped out wheel chair with my Grey Goose vodka drip. I am going to be one of those wild old ladies wearing every piece of jewelry I own, with a perfect blue bee-hive hairdoo, swinging my purple and red boa and flashing my tiara!
*cheers!* Here's to aging gracefully!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Just another Diva Saturday Night...

Ah yes - bored on a Saturday?
... then run to Macy's and get your make-up done at the Mac counter.
Hector did a fabulous job with me - I asked for dramatic and it's perfect!
Check it out...Aren't I pretty? *laughs*
*laughs* please note for the record - I am the only Firda sister who has never died her hair and I am ebracing my greys!

This is my beautiful baby sister looking all fabulous!
Look at Rosa looking all glamorous!
*laughs* the mirror looks like a true diva headpiece...
*cue virginal music now*
hmmm - I think Ryan is trying to tell me something in this picture!
Not very nice Ryan!

Celebrating 2009

Here's to peace, love and true happiness in 2009!

Marybeth and Sheldon looking fabulous!

My beautiful family!

Friday, January 2, 2009

My goofy family and gifts...

Me and my Shaney with my new hippopatomus and baby Sheldon.

Ryan and his Starbucks gift card and new journal - and is he working that bow, or what!?

The boys are loving their new shirts from Anna.

Mommie Dearest in her new jammies....

oooo...I love my new Happy Bunny slippers, hippo and shawl!

Anna and her new pashmina.
(*laughs* ok - we may be HGTV addicts too!)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!

~*~ Happy New Year! ~*~
I got to celebrate the start of 2009 with all my loved ones - I am one lucky diva. Pictures of my dinner, family and friends coming soon. Oh yea, guess what? *sings* I GOT A HIPPOPATAMUS FOR CHRISTMAS!
Here's wishing peace, love and true happiness to you and you loved ones in 2009.
*warm wintery bear hugs*