Monday, December 1, 2008

A day of decorating...

This folks is the start of our Yulemas Tree...I can not take any credit - other then a few additions you will see next - it was all Ry! He is like my own personal Yulemas elf!
Of course it still needs the "YULEMAS PICKLE"! :)Hey! I wonder how he got in there!?! ( I lub my little skellies!)

Mr. "Bird" who we are still trying to come up with a name for...
...any ideas?

Lastly, for today anyway - the tree I decorated for the Sterling House Fundraiser +
$150 worth of gift cards - can't beat it!
I am sure there will be more Yulemas decoration additions in days to come so stay tuned!
*love and hugs*


KrisMrsBBradley said...

LOL! I love the word "Yulemas". I might have to steal that!

I also love the fact that you have a skeleton on your tree. Yulemas pickle! LOL!

I'd name the bird "Bart".

Thanks for sharing! I'm trying to get my holiday mojo working, and it's really lacking. This helps!

Jinxed said...

How about Ignacious - Iggy for short? Don't ask where it came from .... it just came to me. lol

Divaeva said...

:) I named him Barthameaux