Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rantings from my hotel

Ahhh yes - I do so love the holidays! I totally love Christmas music - I even start listening to it in my car before Thanksgiving (yes, I have been called crazy!) I even have to have a Christmas music cd limit of 2 - otherwise I buy every one I like (which some years has been 7 or 8 between Ryan and I) This year so far I bought 2 (Sarah Brightman and Loreena McKennitt), but I don't care much for Brightman's so I may give it as a gift - so that means I can buy one more - Harry Connick's What a Night - yes folks - Harry will be mine very soon! *mmm Harry!*
~ Ry asked this on his live journal - I will ask it here - What is your favorite Christmas song and why?

Sitting here in a hotel watching Christmas at Rockafella Center and bee bopping around with my Yuengling (free beer on Wednesday in the hotel lobby and I grabbed 2) After this I will watch The Victoria Secret Special to get wing ideas for my "good fearie"costume for next years Fearicon! The Jona'sBrothers are on now - they are adorable - I suppose they are the modern version of the Osmonds or the Jackson's (The Jackson 5 could so kick the Osmonds butts!) *swoons* I still remember always picking David Cassidy or Leaf Garrett as my husband when we would play barbies (*laughs* do they still even have Tiger Beat magazine?) Who was your favorite Tiger Beat cover guy?

I did squats and lunges down the hotel 3rd floor hallway since I shrugged off the gym for the beers :p will be sore as shit tomorow - I am sure...spinning is sooooo much easier! (note: I did the squats before the beer - not with beer in hand!) I think I am coming down with Ryan's darn cold - itchy throat, stuffy head, and just not feeling like myself. Figures I get sick - I have off Friday and Saturday - will have to spend the day cuddled in my down comforter with Ryan's concoction of "cold be gone" tea - of course I will chase it with my Zicam tablets! (Zicam rules!)

So I suppose that's it for now - hope y'all are keeping warm and toasty and you aren't coming down with Ry's cold too! Here's wishing for lots of snow!!! *warm bear hugs* ....from a distance since I may be getting sick ;)

PS. oooo - the Rockafella Center tree is beautiful!


KrisMrsBBradley said...

Still no holiday spirit here.

Though I am loving your layout!

Jinxed said...

I have 2 of Harry's Christmas cds .... didn't realize there is a new one. Will have to go get it. He will be mine first!!!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Ya know ... I don't shop much - and only "buy" a xmas gift for my mom (and that was handcrafted, purchased online, with no annoying xmas music).

But this week ... between the restaurant for lunch ... the two hardware store visits ... and the grocery ... and christmas music at EVERY stop ... I turned to Rick and said ...

"THIS is why we have gun laws."


Divaeva said...